Are Your Asthma And Allergies Caused By A Low Immune System?

    05.01.21 01:05 PM Comment(s) By developer2

    Allergic asthma symptoms

    Many people who suffer from asthma and allergies don’t realize it, but a low immune system is very likely at the root of their problems. Medical experts agree that a lowered or improperly functioning immune system can and does result in several diseases such as asthma, allergies, arthritis, psoriasis, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome and cancer to name just a few. Asthma, Allergies and the Immune System are connected in many ways. Here are some facts.

    The body’s immune system’s first line of defense against disease are barriers that prevent antigens, which are large protein molecules of bacteria, viruses, chemicals and other substances that appear harmful from entering your body. The barriers include your skin, mucus, cough reflex, stomach acid and even enzymes in your tears, which destroy toxins. If the antigen or toxin manages to get past these barriers, then the immune system launches a second line of defense, found in your blood. They are white blood cells, which perform a protective function by seeking out and destroying foreign protein antigens.
    If you suffer from a low immune system it is important to avoid things that suppress or act to destroy it, such as a high cholesterol diet, heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium), fat, alcohol, fried foods, food additives, obesity, industrial pollutants, pesticides, herbicides, stress, prescription drugs, too much sunlight, tobacco, and radiation.
    Unfortunately, there is no “magic bullet” that you can take to quickly repair your immune system, but there are several ways to help build and support it by providing your body with proper nutrition, regular exercise, adequate rest, relaxation and maintaining a positive mental attitude.
    Taking the following dietary steps will help protect and build your immune system: 

    1. Limit saturated and trans fats, food additives and alcohol
    2. Take a good quality multi-vitamin/mineral supplement daily
    3. Ensure your diet includes adequate protein
    4. Take 1000 mg of Vitamin C daily.
    5. Eat 3 to 4 servings of vegetables daily.
    6. Eat 3 to 4 servings of legumes weekly.
    7. Eat 3 to 4 servings of omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods weekly

    The length of time required to rebuild a low immune system of course will vary depending on your individual situation and environmental exposure to immune system suppressants. This is not an overnight process, for some people it can take three months to two years. Obviously, the higher your exposure has been to immunosuppressants, the longer it will take to build your immune system. Children tend to heal much more quickly than adults or the elderly.
    People with allergies and asthma will find that their asthma and allergy symptoms become less frequent and less severe when their immune systems are strong. It’s important to avoid using allergy and asthma drugs for a long time, which can have side effects. There are natural supplements that safely and effectively eliminate allergy and asthma symptoms. It is important to seek advice from your healthcare professional before taking an approach suitable to you.

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